
Family/Couple's Counselling

Couples’ counselling is offered based on the needs of couples and their families. 

Our services are based on exploring the strengths of your relationships. Everyone has deficits and we will work with you to dwell more on your strengths to achieve your purpose in a non-judgemental way. 

 Tele/Video Counseling available

Personal Growth

We offer one-on-one counselling with individuals involved in domestic violence.

Our services are provided from clients’ strengths as we believe our clients have the necessary potentials to make the best decisions for the needed change in their lives. 

Tele/Video Counseling available.

Parent-Teen Relationship

Parenting teens can be challenging not because teenagers are difficult to deal with but because teenagers are also experiencing new developmental options.

 We are here to help you improve your relationship with your teenager. We will work together to positively build your relationship with your teenager again because we believe that you both have what it takes to make that great change in your relationship. 

Tele/Video Counseling available


Due to COVID-19, our services are only available virtually through telephone and video sessions. Our in-person services will resume as soon as the pandemic conditions allow it.